Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Sunday Dinner

After church, we went to the Yearsley's for a delicious dinner. Joyce made yummy cheesecakes. I think I ate my piece the slowest I have ever eaten anything (I just recently went 45 days with no sweets); it was so good! I was still savoring each bite as everyone else went out to watch the kids search for eggs Joyce hid...

As you can tell by Emma's hair, it was a chilly, windy day. I can't believe the girls weren't cold. I had my wool coat on.

Joyce gave the kids Easter baskets. They went outside with Jim to play with a toy they got in their baskets (Chris captured the ball in the air as Madi shot it). Jim also had a marshmallow blaster they played with. To the left of the picture you can see Garret's hand holding a marshmallow.
Also to note, the snow had mostly melted from the morning; there's patches left as you can see in this picture.


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

SungAiza said...

Man...whoever took those pictures was amazing. Those are some lovely young ladies.