Friday, May 22, 2009

We have a cast

When we arrived at the hospital, Emma was greeted with three visitors (Mike, Carol and Karena) with balloons. What a huge blessing they were to us. They hung out with Madi while Chris and I helped Emma get prepared for "surgery." The time went by so quickly with others to talk to. All the staff was great. They prepared Sparkles (her bear) for surgery as well. She got to be with Emma the whole time. Emma did wonderfully; she held still for the I.V., with few tears. She was most upset with getting wheeled away from Mommy.

When Emma woke up, Sparkles had a pink cast on as well. Emma thought that was cool. The doctor showed us the new x-rays; they looked great. They were able to alien the bone just right. He was pleased with everything. They also found a piece of bone broke off by the ankle bone, but he said it will heal just fine. So she broke it in three spots. I still can't believe it. Anyways, Emma is doing well. She is enjoying the movies Madi picked out at the library. She is taking medicine for the pain, so she is in some pain, but not too bad. The worse part for her is the itching.

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